The || command can be used in |picture| mode to draw a
quadratic Bezier curve from position |(;SPMlt;AX;SPMgt;,;SPMlt;AY;SPMgt;)| to |(;SPMlt;CX;SPMgt;,;SPMlt;CY;SPMgt;)| with
control point |(;SPMlt;BX;SPMgt;,;SPMlt;BY;SPMgt;)|. The optional argument <#522#>N<#522#> gives the
number of points on the curve.
For example, the diagram:
is drawn with:
The || command is the same, except that the argument <#530#>N<#530#> is not
optional. It is provided for compatibility with the LATEX~2.09
|bezier| document style option.